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Times of our Masses

Our Sunday and weekday Masses are open to worshippers of all ages. Coming together as a community in praise of our Lord Jesus Christ we go out into the world to preach the Good News.

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Sunday Mass

Sunday 9:30am – Saint Paul's, Farmfield Drive, Beechwood
Sunday 11am – Our Lady's, Cavendish street, Birkenhead

We gather to listen to the Word of God proclaimed & preached. Then we reflect in adoration of God who makes Himself truly present to us not only in His word but feeds us with His body & blood. Nourished on the food of eternal life we are sent into the world to transform it so that it may reflect ever more the kingdom of God,

Weekday Mass

Monday & Wednesday at 9am, Tuesday at 9:30am in Our Lady's Catholic church.
Friday 9:15am in either Saint Paul's Catholic church or Holy Cross Catholic primary school

Weekday Mass. The readings of midweek give us the opportunity of a semi-continuous reading of different books of the Bible in the First reading as well as the Gospels.

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